
According to the dictionary, a leader is someone who leads or sets an example to follow. At the Anthony Muñoz Foundation we believe that definition only touches to the surface of what leadership is.

A leader is someone with a goal. Someone who cares. A person that is passionate about things going on around them. A leader is a hard worker. Someone who wants to help others.  A person that is engaging. A leader is a teacher and a learner. A listener. A doer. Someone that gets people excited about reaching a goal. A leader is accepting of others. Someone who is understanding. A leader is enthusiastic and determined. Someone who is assertive, yet flexible. Leadership embodies compassion, purpose, and drive.

A leader can be anyone, especially YOU! We hope that the speakers you hear at YLS and the discussions you have during breakout sessions can inspire you to be amazing leaders in your communities! You all have what it takes.


Go ahead and get brainstorming now! What are you passionate within your area? What are some service projects you could come up with to better your community?

Move Forward, Give Back.

Be Bold! The world is waiting to be changed. You can do it!


Impact Intern

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